We Are Therefore Christ’s Ambassadors
2 Corinthians 5:20
We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.
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We Have the Power to Impact Our Future, and We’re Doing Something About It
We believe the great comission is for all believers. We give opportunities to people who want to share their faith and present the gospel of the good news of Jesus Christ. We will train and activate evagelists who will represent Christ well.
Throughout the year we schedule and sponsor evangelism events such as concerts in the park, beach walk teachings, youth bike ride and volleyball meet ups. At these events not only do we share their passion for music and being together we also have opportunities to present the gospel and give people the choice to accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
Watch a Message About our Evangelistic Campaigns
By Pastor Alex Lopez
Spread the Gospel of
Jesus Christ
Nulla id nibh enim. Aenean dignissim, ligula ut varius facilisis, dolor dolor pretium nulla, eget aliquam ligula ipsum eu metus. Praesent et velit a leo aliquet
Our Partners & Sponsors
- Lorem ipsum
- Consectetuer.
- Aliquam tincidunt
- Mauris eu risus
- Vestibulum
- Auctor dapibus
- Neque
- Nunc dignissim
- Risus id metus
- Cras ornare
- Tristique elit
- Vivamus vestibulum
- Ntulla nec ante
- Praesent placerat
- Risus quis eros
- Fusce pellentesque
- Suscipit nibh.
- Integer vitae
- Vestibulum commodo
- Felis quis
- Ut aliquam
- Sollicitudin leo
- Cras iaculis
- Ultricies nulla